NoEasyWayOut Page 9
“We’ve used it,” she said, blushing slightly. “But not a lot.”
“Okay, just a ceiling cam should do it. Front room.” He looked around. “Important?”
She nodded.
“Where? Sofa?”
“Yes.” She pictured herself bent over the back of the sofa, her bottom raised high in the air as Daniel spanked her hard. Then he’d moved her onto the coffee table, still facedown and made her stay there with her legs apart while he sipped a glass of wine.
“And the coffee table,” she said.
He looked around. “Okay. A camera inside the TV so whether it’s on or off it still records what happens in the room. But just to make sure, we’ll put the air freshener cam here.” He placed it on a low shelf. “That should capture a good side view of the coffee table, not too high up.”
“Now,” he said, looking around. “What about the kitchen?”
She nodded again, remembering leaning up against the fridge, rubbing ice over her nipples so they’d harden up while Daniel watched before he put a clothespin on each one, the soft plastic ends pinching her hard. He liked the way it looked and squeezed her breasts together, then let them go, watching the clothespins dancing and tugging at her nipples. Then he’d slapped her breasts gently, enjoying seeing how each slap made the clothespins move again and making her gasp.
“The clock would go well here. You can replace your old one for a while. Say it broke if he asks. It’s a small room. So that should cover it.” He stood against the wall where the clock would go. “Move around in here. Let me check.”
She moved between the fridge and the stove and the countertop, aware of his eyes on her, wondering what he would see when he viewed the film.
“Great. That’s covered. Now the bedroom. I guess that sees a lot of action.” He smiled at her.
“Apart from Daniel not much at all.” She didn’t want Ed getting the wrong idea, thinking she was some kind of sex-crazed woman who had all kinds of partners doing all kinds of things.
“So you weren’t seeing anyone when you met him?”
She shook her head. “Going through a dry spell.”
“Hard to believe.”
“And I’m not seeing anyone now. Daniel doesn’t count.”
“Good, good, that’s great. For you I meant. So you’ve got no emotional attachment to him at all?”
“I had.” She sat on the edge of the bed. “I liked him at first when I thought it was a real relationship.”
“How do you mean real?”
“That he liked me for me, not just for the things we did—well that he did to me,” she corrected herself.
“He must like you.”
“He doesn’t,” she insisted. “He’s nice to me a lot of time, really nice but I could be anyone really. He doesn’t really care about getting to know what I think or what I like. I sometimes wonder if I could be any one of a hundred girls, a thousand girls whom he flatters, buys off with expensive gifts then does the stuff he does.”
Ed put his arm round her and squeezed her against him. “I’m sorry. You deserve more, a lot more. But we’ll get him.”
She nodded, liking the way it felt to have his arm around her, feeling reassured and comforted, liking the way he said “we” as if they were a team.
“And he’s an idiot too if he doesn’t see how special you are.” Ed’s eyes seemed to be an even deeper green than before as he looked at her.
She held his gaze, not sure what was going to happen next but he stood. “You stay there. In fact, lie on the bed and I’ll see what we can do. I’m guessing we need a couple of cameras in here?”
She nodded.
“The bear can go here.” He made a space between a couple of other cuddly toys. “From what you said he won’t notice you have a new one.”
She shook her head and laughed.
“We need a few more angles covered. A hook on the back of the door will get one angle, then we need the other side of the bed and one from the head of the bed. Are you usually lying down?”
How much detail did he need? She wasn’t sure what to say.
“I mean does most of it happen at bed level? He doesn’t suspend you from hooks in the ceiling or anything?”
“Not so far. Not yet.”
“Shame. It would suit you.”
She laughed. Was he flirting with her?
“Joking. But I can see why he’s fixated on you.”
They eyes met and she felt that familiar flutter in her stomach.
He looked away. “Sorry. Not really the right time, is it? But thinking about you doing all this stuff—I’m only human.”
She looked away, not sure what to say.
“Lie down on the bed. Let me work out the angles.”
She lay there, her mind drifting. What would it be like to kiss Ed, to do the things she did with Daniel with Ed, with someone who really cared about her?
The bed shifted as Ed reached across her. “It’s okay. Don’t move. Just finding a place for this little bad boy. I’m going to fit it in the headboard.”
She was very conscious of him close to her again, of his arm reaching across her, of the centimeters between them. If she rolled toward him they’d be practically cuddling.
“Can you see it?” he asked.
She turned over and looked at the headboard, her eyes scouring the ruffled patterned velvet. She shook her head.
“It’s here.” Ed pointed to a small black circle that disappeared in the black and rich-brown pattern of the velvet.
“Great choice of headboard. Perfect for this. Okay, one more over here.” He got up and crossed to the other side of the bed, bending his knees so his eye-line was almost at bed level. He scanned the wall behind him. It was a blank white wall. There was nowhere to conceal a camera. “This might be difficult but it would be shame not to cover this side. I don’t suppose you want to hang a picture on this wall?”
She shrugged. “I’ve never thought about it. I haven’t got anything.”
“Something with an ornate frame that could hide one of these. Think about it. I can come back and put one in if you like. Or I could put one up in the light fixture but overhead shots aren’t great. You just get a lot of the top of people’s heads. Not that useful unless you want to prove someone’s going bald or wearing a toupee.”
She laughed. Maybe that was the way to get to Daniel.
“Come on.” He stretched out his hand to pull her off the bed. “Let’s see if we’ve missed anywhere.”
“No. I think you’ve done everywhere.”
He pushed open the door to the bathroom. “Never anything going on in here?”
“No. Not so far anyway. And you’d get footage of me in the bath.” She didn’t say it but she was thinking—would she be able to use the toilet if she knew it was being recorded?
“So we’re done.”
She felt a pang of disappointment. Was he really finished so soon?
“Now I just need to install these others and get you up to speed on how to use them. It’ll be at least another hour yet. I hope that’s all right?”
It was very all right.
Ed got to work while Ruthanne made more coffee and scrambled some eggs for them to eat. It felt curiously pleasant and domestic having him there, having someone to talk to. She could get used to this.
They sat at the table in the kitchen, eating.
“When he’s here you need to think a bit about the cameras, try to maneuver things so you know you’ll get a good angle.”
“Okay.” She was dubious, not entirely sure either what a good angle would be or how she would maneuver Daniel. “Can you show me?”
“No problem. Well do a run-through. But I’ll let you keep your clothes on.”
They both laughed.
“Probably,” he added with that cheeky grin again. “And when he’s here you need to think about what you’re saying. I’ll block out your face but we’ll need your voice for the biggest impact. You’ll have to say no a l
ot. Even if you say yes in the end. I can always edit the yes out. The camera always lies.”
He smiled. “Do you say yes in the end?”
She nodded, embarrassed to admit it. “He makes me enjoy it. He makes me want to do it.”
“That’s good. I mean it’s good that you enjoy it. I mean…” He looked confused. “Well, whatever. Like I said, I’m not called Ed the Editor for nothing. I can make him look bad however much you enjoy it. So.” He looked at her speculatively. “You do enjoy it then?”
She shrugged, embarrassed. “Yes and no.”
“What’s the yes and what’s the no?” He wasn’t letting her off the hook that easily.
“I like some of the things he does, the feelings. I like the lack of control.” She realized that was true as she said it out loud. “But I don’t like that I don’t trust him and he just goes too far. Well this one time he went too far.” She didn’t want to tell Ed what Daniel had done or what she suspected he might have done.
“Maybe you would like it if you both agreed on your boundaries beforehand.”
She nodded. “Yes, sometimes it’s like he does things because he knows I don’t want him to. He does it almost because he wants me to suffer not because he wants me to enjoy myself.”
“That’s the difference. You should try it with someone who really respected you, someone who really liked you.” He looked at her with his spiky hair all messy and his green eyes behind his glasses and her stomach started doing somersaults.
She looked back and the moment stretched, then she looked down, not sure she was ready for this.
He turned back to his food, the clatter of cutlery breaking the tension. “Great eggs. Can I come every Sunday?”
She laughed. “Of course,” she said lightly but meaning it. It would be nice to have him around. She had never cooked for Daniel. She had never eaten a relaxed Sunday brunch with him. In fact there were a lot of ordinary everyday things that she had never done with Daniel.
“Okay. Let’s run through. The cameras are ready to go. We’ll test everything out and get some footage. Then I’ll show you how to delete and keep and make sure the cameras stay charged up.”
Chapter Thirteen
The next hour was one of the strangest of her life.
“Right. I’m not Ed, I’m Daniel.” He took off his glasses and stood straight and glared at her.
She started giggling and he laughed too.
“So you answer the door to me.” He went outside and knocked.
She let him in. “You look divine, darling,” he said in a crazy English accent. “Now get on your knees and give me some head.”
She laughed. “He’s not like a baron or something.”
He shrugged and grinned.
“Should I kneel down?” She felt silly. How much of this should she act out?
“Yep. You have to or there’s no way of knowing whether the cameras are in the right place. Kneel down and pretend or you can do it for real if you like.” He grinned. “I don’t want to stop you.”
She laughed and got on her knees.
“Okay.” He looked down at her. “Now pretend.”
She held on to his hips and moved her head around like she was giving him a blowjob as he watched her. She felt silly but she was giggling and Ed was laughing and somehow it was okay.
“Almost as good as the real thing,” he sighed. “He is one lucky man. Now into the front room. Let’s try out a few positions. Lie on the coffee table face up.”
He walked around her. “Now facedown.” She turned over, feeling a flutter of pleasure as he told her what to do as she lay there in front of him. She almost wished he’d go further, do the things that Daniel did. Stop it. Concentrate on what you’re supposed to be doing.
But then Ed gave her a few gentle smacks on her behind and a soft moan slipped out of her mouth before she could stop herself.
“Good. We need to check the sound levels too. Let me just do that again, harder if you don’t mind, and you moan a bit more.”
“Okay,” she laughed, like it was just messing around. But as Ed’s hand came down hard on her buttocks, even through the denim of her jeans she felt the painful pleasure of the sting and she cried out. The familiar warmth between her legs was growing and she knew she was getting aroused.
Then he knelt behind her and gripped her hips. “I’ll do you from behind.” he gave a few thrusts. “Then I’ll come round here.” He shuffled to her head. “And give you some from here.” He held her head, grinning at her.
She hoped he wouldn’t notice she was slightly flushed, that her breathing was bit heavier than before.
He made a few thrusts in front of her face.
She looked at the denim of his jeans. It would be so easy for him to unzip his pants, to command her to suck him, for her to open up to him and take him in her mouth.
He stood. “It would last a lot longer in real life,” he joked. She tried to laugh.
“Right, now onto the sofa. Sit next to me.”
She stood and joined him, so glad he couldn’t read her mind.
He turned to her. “So I might touch you around here.” He moved his hands in front of her as if he was touching her breasts without actually making contact. “You could lie down and I could be here.”
He talked her through the various poses, over each end of the sofa, over the back of the sofa. Each time he touched her she felt a little shiver of desire, wishing this was real, not playacting. Of wondering how it would feel if she was half-naked and he was really thrusting into her from behind or into her mouth or playing with her breasts or between her legs where she was getting wetter and wetter.
Was he feeling the same or was this just a job for him?
“Come on. I hope you’re not falling asleep. It’s no wonder he spanks you.”
She giggled, wondering how it would feel if Ed spanked her really hard. Stop it. Keep focused.
They went into the kitchen. She leaned against the fridge and Ed leaned over her, his body only centimeters from hers. He looked down into her eyes. “So. Kitchen sex. I like the idea. Maybe a little whipped cream, some strawberries.”
“Daniel doesn’t whip cream. Only me.”
He laughed and stepped away from her. “He’s missing a trick then. I think I could do things with whipped cream that you might like.”
She laughed, embarrassed. She didn’t want to meet his eyes in case he could see how interested she was, how much she’d like to find out what he could do. The thought was making her throb between her legs.
Don’t be silly. He’s just messing about having fun. And she needed to concentrate on getting rid of Daniel first.
They went into the bedroom next. He surveyed the room.
“So where would you usually be?”
She sat on the end of the bed facing him. “Here. Doing, well you know.” She reached out for his waistband and slowly pulled him toward her, laughing.
“More head.” He groaned. “This guy is the luckiest man alive.”
He held her head, his hands in her hair.
Ruthanne liked the feel of his hands on her, holding her.
“Then what?”
“Maybe like this.” She felt embarrassed still but she knelt down over the edge of the bed, her butt sticking out. She felt Ed right behind her.
“Yes, yes. I can see how that would appeal. So I should spank you a little bit so we can test the sound in here and you say no or yes?”
She tensed herself and then his hand smacked down on her behind.
“No,” she said, feeling silly.
“Is that hard enough?” Ed asked.
“Not really.” She didn’t want to explain that she was usually naked and that Daniel often used something—a paddle, a crop.
“Okay. Try this.” He smacked her much harder this time, his open hand meeting her ass with a satisfying sound.
“Mmh,” Ruthanne said, then remembered what she was supposed to be saying. “No, Ed, no.”
He smacked her again, two, three times and she cried out, wondering if he knew just how much it was turning her on, wondering how it would feel if she were naked. How would it feel for Ed to bring to her that point where pleasure and pain crossed over? She could feel the wetness spreading between her legs, the warmth growing.
“Harder,” she said without thinking and Ed slapped her again, putting some force into it, making her gasp and say, “No, no, no,” for real.
He stopped, breathing heavily and she felt a flicker of disappointment.
“I could get into this,” he said, his voice deeper, his hand still resting on her behind, stroking it now. “Okay.” He talked to himself. “Right, come on, pull yourself together, Ed.”
“So next I’d do some stuff.” He ran his hand over her buttocks, squeezing them, almost dipping between her legs where she wanted him to touch her. “Then I’d give you some.” He laughed, knelt behind her and bumped his hips against her a few times.
Ruthanne was almost sure she could feel his erection as he touched her, sure she could feel it ramrod-straight inside his jeans. Was he enjoying this as much as she was?
But then he stopped. “Okay. Then I tell you to get up.”
Ruthanne stood.
“Then I’d throw you on the bed and make crazy love to you.”
He pushed her back so she fell on the bed and he fell on top of her, his weight pinning her to the bed. He was leaning on his elbows looking down at her.
She could feel the length of his body pressing into her and how aroused he was. She could definitely feel his erection now, long and hard. So he was excited too.
She didn’t want to say that Daniel never lay with her. Daniel was always standing away from her, dong something to her. He didn’t lie with her, on her, his face close to hers, his eyes looking into hers. She smiled up at Ed and pushed her hips up, pressing him into her even harder, wanting to feel him grinding against her and liking the feeling.
“Ruthanne,” he said and then he lowered his head and he was kissing her.