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NoEasyWayOut Page 6

  “No. No.” She tried to turn away, her hands still tethered to her ankles.

  “Yes or you’ll come too soon, won’t you? Bad girl. You have to have the pain to get the pleasure.”

  He switched the vibrator on again and she cried out. “Please, please.” She was desperate for him to leave it on long enough, just another ten or twenty seconds. But he turned it off again and gave her a rain of hard blows onto her plump mound and lips.

  He paused. “Are you enjoying yourself?”

  “Yes.” She nodded, her voice strained and weak, just wanting him to let her come.

  “So you want me to carry on?”

  She nodded, not trusting herself to speak.

  “You want me to spank you?”


  “But you only get this.” He switched on the vibrator for a split second. “If you have this.” He brought the paddle down sharply on her plump flesh.

  “So do you want me to spank you?” he asked again.

  She didn’t speak, not willing to admit that each smack, each blow vibrated through her clit. If only he would carry on, do it faster, more directly above the flesh of her clit, she would come.

  “Do you?” He trailed the edge of the paddle over her face.

  She nodded.

  “You want me to spank you? Then say it.”

  “Spank me, please,” she whispered, not really able to believe she was asking him to do it to her.

  “Spank you until you come?”


  “Then ask me and ask me nicely.”

  “Please.” Her voice was ragged. “Please spank me until I come.”

  “With pleasure. I thought you’d never ask.”

  The blows were coming down hard and fast now, focusing on the area around her clit, each one nudging it, sending vibrations through it, bringing her closer and closer. Then he held the vibrator on her again. It was too much. She pushed herself out to meet him, wanting him to make her come, wanting to get over the edge.

  He stopped again, making her moan with longing and need, then smacked her again with the paddle.

  Her skin was tender and hot and each blow hurt but she couldn’t stop, not now, not when she was so close. She needed him to carry on.

  “Please. Please spank me, make me come.” She pushed herself out farther, arching her back.

  Then he pushed the vibrator hard against her again, turning it on so the vibrations pulsed through her, pressing it hard against her inner lips and down on to her throbbing clit. She knew it was happening. The pleasure was building, her body was tensing—all she could think about was the feeling.

  She was pushing against him as he smacked her again and again with the paddle, the blows falling on her mound as the vibrator pulsed though her clit. Then she was coming, a wave of pleasure taking hold of her, making her scream and buckle as the orgasm washed through her.

  She was writhing and arching on the bed, the sound ripping out from within her as the orgasm took hold, making her arch and twist against him, crying out. “Daniel. Daniel, please don’t stop. I’m coming, I’m coming, I’m coming.”

  Then it finished. She wanted to sink back against the smooth sheets and close her eyes forever, her body limp and weak. But it wasn’t over yet.

  He came round the side of the bed and pulled her head toward him to the edge of the bed.

  “Open.” He put his swollen cock into her mouth and thrust in hard. He held the sides of her face tightly and she tried to suck him but she couldn’t move, couldn’t do anything. She lay there limp and helpless as he pumped into her mouth, using her. One hand was on the back of her head, holding her against him. The other tugged hard on her nipple.

  He stared down at her. “Look at me.”

  She just managed to open her eyes to look up at him as he thrust in again and again, seven, eight, nine, ten times, more, making her choke and gag. Then he pulled out, a deep groan escaping from his lips as he came, the thick white streams hitting her face and her breasts and dripping down the front of her corset.

  He stood breathing heavily, looking down at her for a moment then leaning over and undoing her restraints. She stretched out and the petals stuck to the wetness on her, marking all the places where he had come with their deep redness.

  Champagne, diamonds and roses would never seem romantic again.

  Chapter Eight

  She wore her new earrings, bracelet and the beautiful necklace that completed the set to a lazy Sunday brunch with Katie the next morning. She went into the coffee shop, thinking she must be the only person there wearing real diamonds. She wondered how long it would take Katie to spot them and realize that they weren’t just rhinestones or cubic zirconia.

  Katie was already there, sipping a big cappuccino, blowing at the froth and wiping her top lip.

  “The mustache suits you,” said Ruthanne, sitting down. They always got together for a Valentine’s date debrief and it was usually Katie doing the talking and Ruthanne wishing she had had such an exciting or romantic time or even been on a date at all. “Go on. A score out of ten. How was it?”

  Katie looked torn. “On the one hand zero out of ten. I spent most of it on my own at the bar trying not to get so drunk I wouldn’t be able to stand up. On the other hand the sex afterward was definite ten out of ten.” She grinned at Ruthanne.

  “So hang on. You spent the evening on your own but had great sex? How did you manage that? Have you been shopping for personal items again?” She laughed.

  “No. I sat at the bar on my own in the restaurant where Gus works, watching him run off his feet on the busiest night of the year. What was I doing thinking he could get time off? And I didn’t want to sit home on my own like a Valentine’s night loser. Oops.” She grabbed Ruthanne’s hand. “You did have a date, didn’t you?”

  “Of course,” said Ruthanne, wondering if Katie would notice her earrings, her necklace, her bracelet.

  “Thank God for that.” Katie didn’t stop to ask about it, not until she had told Ruthanne all about her own evening. “So I went to his restaurant—well the place he works—and sat there by myself. We had a few moments together here and there but—” she shook her head. “Never date a waiter. It’s worse than dating a cab driver. They’re always working on the party nights.”

  “But ten out of ten,” Ruthanne reminded her. “It must have got significantly better afterward?“

  “Oh it did.” Katie grinned at the memory. She then proceeded to describe in a huge amount of detail everything they did in the taxi on the way back to her place, in each room at her place, how he’d looked, what he’d said, even the face he pulled when he came.

  Ruthanne blushed when she realized a man at the next table was sitting very still with a rather startled look on his face, listening to every word. If he stayed around he might hear something worse.

  Katie finally stopped talking. They ordered more coffee and far too much food.

  Katie dipped her finger in the froth of her drink and licked it. Ruthanne saw the man at the next table, gazing at her.

  “How about you then? Spill the beans. You’ve not told me anything. Score out of ten?”

  Ruthanne frowned, thinking. One? Because she wasn’t sure she’d ever want to do it again? Or ten because she’d had one of the best orgasms of her life and she had a sneaky feeling she would be reliving the evening whenever she wanted to get into the mood by herself? Ten because of the hotel, the rose petals and the diamonds? One because she still felt bruised and sore?

  She shook her head. “I don’t know. It was good and bad.”

  “First of all, who was he? I’ve hardly seen you these last few weeks. I mean I know you’ve been busy at work and I’ve been busy with Gus but when I have seen you you haven’t said anything. You’re holding out on me, Ruthanne. There’s something you’re not telling me.”

  Katie leaned back in her seat with a fierce look on her face. “You have one minute to tell me who you’re seeing and why it’s such a big
deal. What is he? A leper or something?”

  “Worse. A client.”

  Katie slammed her hand on the table, making the drinks shake. “I knew it. I knew it. It’s that egomaniac sugar daddy Daniel Rolleston, isn’t it? I knew he picked you because he had the hots for you. It was nothing to do with those stupid balloons.”

  “No he picked me because I’m good at my job and…”

  “He picked you because he had the hots for you,” interrupted Katie. “Daniel Rolleston and Ruthanne. I knew it.”

  “Shh. I don’t want everyone to know.”

  “Why? Because he’s one of the richest, most eligible bachelors in the city? Sure, you’d want to keep that quiet.”

  “No because he’s a client and I could get sacked. And because…because…” Ruthanne shook her head. “Because he’s just not your average kind of guy. The stuff he does, it’s…”

  Katie’s hand shot out and grabbed her wrist.

  “Are these diamonds? And those?” She pointed at the necklace. “And those? They are, aren’t they?”

  Ruthanne nodded.

  “I don’t care what stuff he does. He can do it to me twice as hard if he gives me diamonds like that afterward.”

  “Are you sure?” said Ruthanne. “Look.” She pulled down the front of her top as far as she decently could. The marks left by the paddle were clearly visible on her pale skin.

  “He did that to you?” Katie’s eyes widened. “Okay, suddenly the diamonds don’t look big enough.”

  The man at the next table seemed caught in suspended animation, his cup halfway to his lips as he gazed at Ruthanne’s chest then quickly looked away when he realized she had seen him looking.

  “Does he hurt you?” Katie asked, full of concern.

  “Yes, no. Look it’s not like he just hurts me. I’m not battered and beaten. It’s just he likes rough sex. Well not even rough, more like…” She wasn’t sure how to describe it, what to call the things he liked doing, the things he made her enjoy too.

  “A bit of hanky spanky?” Katie spoke far too loudly. “He ties you up? Whips you? Bondage?”

  The man at the next table had gone really pink now. If he carried on eavesdropping he might have an aneurysm.

  Ruthanne nodded.

  “Has he got his own dungeon full of chains and whips and torture things?” Katie was grinning.

  “No. But a bit.” Ruthanne thought of his flight bag and the things he kept in it. “We were at the Chelsea last night so it wasn’t exactly a dungeon.”

  “Oh I’d love to go there.” Katie was distracted immediately. “Was it lovely? Did you steal the toiletries?”

  “I did actually. Look, I brought you a bubble bath and a body lotion.” She took them out of her handbag and gave them to Katie.

  “Ooh, thanks.” Katie smelled them. “They are lovely. Toiletries from the Chelsea and diamonds. And I got one wilted red rose and a waiter. Not fair.”

  Ruthanne pulled down her top again, showing the red marks. “Fair.”

  “Okay, I suppose so. So he’s into bondage. Daniel the dungeon master. And you’re doing it? I’d always thought you were so vanilla.”

  “Thanks a lot,” said Ruthanne.

  “I didn’t mean it as an insult—just that, well, you’re quite conventional, aren’t you?”

  Ruthanne smiled. “I suppose. I was anyway.” She knew Katie was surprised that it was Ruthanne and not her doing something outrageous and getting showered with diamonds too.

  “So you’re into it?”

  Ruthanne shrugged. “I don’t know. It’s all quite new. Some bits are good, really good but I don’t know. I don’t really trust him.”

  “You can’t let someone you don’t trust tie you up and come at you with a whip,” said Katie loudly.

  Two more heads turned in their direction.

  “Sssh. Keep it down.”

  “But I’m right, aren’t I?” said Katie. “If there’s one time when you need to know you can trust someone, it’s when you’re all tied up and they can do whatever they want with you.”

  “Yeah. And I’m not sure I do.”

  “Have you got safe words and things?”

  “What? “

  “You know so he knows when you’re saying ‘no, Daniel, no’ you mean ‘yes, Daniel, yes.’” Katie was putting on a silly breathy voice and heads were turning again. “And when you say ‘no, Daniel, no’ and you actually mean no.”

  The man at the next table coughed and choked on his coffee.

  Ruthanne shook her head.

  Katie shook hers too. “Not good. Not good at all. So is it like a relationship, you’re dating, he’s falling for you, you’re going to get married and have lots of rich little Rollestons?”

  Ruthanne smiled, wondering what it would be like to marry money even if it meant a lifetime of Daniel. “I don’t know. I don’t really know where I stand with him. One minute he’s all red roses and diamonds and dinners at Reynard’s and La Maison and the next—”

  “You have to marry him. I’d marry anyone if I could have dinner at La Maison and Reynard’s. Have you really been there?”

  “Yes, a few times now.“

  “Oh my. Now tell me everything.” She made Ruthanne describe her visits to the restaurants, the food, the waiters, the famous people she’d seen there.

  “Ruthanne. You’ve hit the jackpot. So what if he’s a bit crazy in the bedroom?”

  “I don’t know. I don’t know if he actually likes me or if it’s just sex.”

  “For that lifestyle and those diamonds, who cares? Just enjoy it!”

  They both laughed but then Katie was serious again. “So how do you feel about him?”

  She shook her head. “He’s fun to be with sometimes. I like being a part of the lifestyle.”

  “You like the diamonds.”

  “Yes, I like those but I don’t know. Is it enough?” Ruthanne still wasn’t sure. Daniel had done strange things to her last night. He’d put those cups on her nipples and he’d hurt her and afterward he’d sat drinking in silence while she bathed and crawled into the huge bed by herself.

  In the morning he had already left when she awoke, leaving just a little note saying “thank you.”

  For all the roses and champagne and the fancy hotel room, it hadn’t felt romantic at all. On the other hand she had to admit she’d had the best orgasm of her life.

  “So what does he do to you?” asked Katie. “Does he tie you up and beat you?”

  “Yes. Basically. But he’s not brutal—just, I don’t know, it hurts but not too much. And he makes do stuff and say stuff that makes me uncomfortable.”

  She blushed just thinking about the corset, the way her nipples had looked after he’d cupped them and especially how she’d begged to be hit with the paddle until she came. Sitting here in the café with Katie it didn’t seem possible. And yet even now the memory of it gave her a little tingle between her legs.

  The man at the next table wasn’t even pretending not to listen now.

  “You could stop seeing him if you’re really not sure. If you really don’t like it.”

  Did she like it? She wondered. Could you like something but not like that you liked it? How could she explain that, especially to Katie, who was always so sure of herself, who was always so clear about what she wanted?

  “I do like some of it,” she admitted.

  The man at the next table stood, his newspaper in front of him. Was he hiding an erection? He gave Ruthanne a long look as he passed, then bent down and said, “He’s a lucky man.”

  Ruthanne frowned at him.

  “Just dump him,” said Katie. “Text him now. Just put ‘Hello you old pervert. I don’t want you to whip my sweet ass ever again. Goodbye.’ He’ll get the message.”

  Ruthanne laughed again. “I wish it were that easy. Look, he’ll never keep me on for PR if I dump him. And that means I’ll lose my office and Ian says half of us could lose our jobs if Daniel takes his business elsewhere. I ca
n’t risk that, not for me and not for everyone else either.”

  “But you can’t get your ass whipped every night just to keep your job.”

  “And your job,” Ruthanne reminded her.

  “Oh. In that case tough luck. You’ll have to get used to it. Become the bondage queen.” She sighed. “But really, Ruthie, do you want to break up with him?”

  “I don’t know.” She shrugged. “I just don’t know. He said we might go away next weekend.”

  “So you’re just in it for the fancy trips away, the diamonds?”

  “The five-star hotels, the meals at Reynard’s,” Ruthanne added, grinning.

  “You’re living the high life. But you’re paying for it.”

  “Yes. And I don’t know if it’s really worth it. The price might be just too high.”

  Chapter Nine

  It was Mexico that decided her. After that she knew that somehow she had to end things. She had to get away from him. She just didn’t trust him.

  Until then she had thought she was getting used to Daniel and his games. She’d even begun to look forward to them, to wonder what he’d make her do next, to enjoy the feeling of giving in to him, of letting him decide what she would do, what she would feel, when she would come.

  They saw each other once or twice a week and each time was excessive, luxurious, extravagant and then humiliating or painful. There was no intimacy, no easy relationship. She didn’t call him if she’d had a bad day or expect him to be interested in the details of her life.

  There were just their nights together when Daniel made her say things, wear things, do things, things she didn’t want to do—at least not at first—and each time she swore it would be the last time she let him treat her like that. Each time she ended up having a shattering orgasm or two that left her reeling and breathless and each time she went back for more.

  But then he took her away for a vacation to Mexico and he’d crossed the line.