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NoEasyWayOut Page 2

  “Oh he does, he does. In fact he’s going to appreciate it all over again when he gets back. The first time…” Katie lowered her voice. “We were barely in the apartment and he had me up against the wall, his tongue so far down my throat I thought I’d choke and his hands. You wouldn’t believe what he can do with them. I came before I was even undressed.”

  Katie always insisted on telling every little detail. And in Katie’s life there were a lot of details. “So then we got down to it in the hall, I was up against the wall while he had his hands down my panties and we did it right there standing up. I hope the neighbors didn’t wonder what was banging against the wall. It was me!” She sighed. “It was amazing. So passionate. Wild in fact. Then we had a few glasses of wine and made out on the sofa for ages before we got into the bedroom. Then he went down on me. Without me even asking him to.”

  Ruthanne knew that for Katie this was the sign of a good lover.

  “So I reciprocated—after all, fair’s fair.” Katie giggled. “And soon we’re going to do all over again.” She sighed. “If only he wasn’t a waiter. I keep trying to find out if he’s got hidden talents—well, apart from the obvious ones—like is he writing a screenplay? Is he an actor? Is he an artist? But no. Nothing. He’s just a waiter and happy doing it.”

  “He still sounds good,” said Ruthanne. “Give him a chance. Perhaps you can send him back to school.”

  “I don’t know. He’s so cute I might never let him out of the house again, except for walkies.” Katie laughed. “So what’s up with you?”

  “Well you’ll never believe it but…”

  “It’ll have to wait. Sorry, he’s back. Talk tomorrow?” She hung up.

  Great. Thanks a lot. Well you’ll just have to wait.

  She lay on the sofa thinking about Daniel and about Katie’s waiter, wishing she could mix the two together and find a man with Daniel’s money, culture and class and this waiter’s cuteness and passion.

  She imagined Daniel Rolleston overcome with passion for her, hustling her into the apartment and kissing her up against the wall. His hands would be all over her, pulling at the buttons on her clothes, reaching inside them, hot and urgent, down between her legs, finding her wet and ready.

  As she imagined it she slipped her own hand under her clothes and into her panties. She gently massaged her plump outer lips and stroked her clit. Daniel/the waiter would do that too and she’d push up against his hand, wanting him to touch her there.

  He would stroke her, maybe slipping a finger inside, then find her clit and rub it gently at first just like she was doing. Then harder and heavier, his hips grinding into her too, his tongue pushing into her mouth and his fingers working, working until she came.

  As she thought about it she massaged her clit, rubbing it harder, pressing it, imagining it was Daniel looking like Katie’s waiter with his hand pressed up against her, not stopping—rubbing harder and harder. She tensed and pushed harder against her hand, knowing she was going to come and trying not to cry out as the waves of sensation rolled through her body. She climaxed, rubbing her pearl hard against herself, picturing Daniel/the waiter thrusting into her until he came too.

  She relaxed back on the sofa, drifting, until she realized it was late and she needed to get to bed. Feeling a bit embarrassed at fantasizing about Daniel—even if she had made him look like someone else—she sighed. Life was never simple. At least she had been to Reynard’s and from what Daniel had said, she might be going there a lot more often from now on.

  Chapter Three

  She was the golden girl of the team. She was moved into a bigger office all her own and she was given an assistant too—only an intern but an assistant nevertheless.

  She met with Daniel once a week and he was polite, charming and not at all difficult or demanding. He flirted all the time but he was rich, handsome, charming and sophisticated so she flirted right back. Why not? It was all part of her job. You couldn’t do PR without charming the clients. And it made a nice change for someone to flirt with her so openly.

  She didn’t know why other people said Daniel was difficult or went on about how he had a bad track record with contracted employees or looked a bit sorry for her when she said who her main client was. She wasn’t complaining. Life was good.

  Katie had spent days moaning that it wasn’t fair and if only she’d not mentioned the balloons she’d have Ruthanne’s office—she’d be sitting at the big desk, she’d be asking her intern to bring her coffee instead of getting it herself. Katie was so used to being the one who was chosen, especially where men were involved. They could never seem to resist her round blue eyes and doll-like face.

  “You are pleased for me, though, aren’t you?” Ruthanne had asked.

  “Yes,” said Katie a bit begrudgingly. Then she had gone on again about the waiter in great detail as if to say well at least I’ve got a handsome boyfriend.

  Ruthanne shrugged. She was too busy at the moment to care really.

  It wasn’t long after that Daniel had asked her to do something odd. It had just seemed like a bit of fun at the time even if it went wrong and that wasn’t Daniel’s fault, was it?

  He’d approached her before the main meeting, where he was going to speak to a group of departmental heads and she hoped include a lot of complimentary references to the work she had done for him.

  “I hate these meetings, don’t you?” he’d whispered to her. “Full of these boring types. Not like you or me. We’re different, aren’t we?”

  She’d nodded eagerly. She wanted him think she was special.

  “Would you like to make the meeting rather more enjoyable?” He raised his eyebrows at her. “We could have a little fun, just you and me.”

  She’d nodded, not really knowing where he was going with this but enjoying the feeling that he felt she was special.

  “What color panties are you wearing?” His breath was hot on her ear and he gripped her wrist tightly so she couldn’t move away.

  She’d giggled, a little shocked that he’d asked. So this was what he meant by fun. “I’m not telling you.”

  “Tell me. Please?” He looked quite innocent, like he really wanted to know and as if she were being really mean not telling him. “Don’t be boring.”

  She definitely didn’t want him to think she was boring and what harm could it do? It was just adult banter, a little sexy fun and she didn’t want him to lose interest in her. “Red.”

  “I want them.”

  “What do you mean?” She stepped away but he pulled her back in toward him.

  “Take them off. And give them to me. “

  She’d laughed then and pulled back but she couldn’t seem to get away.

  He was still smiling at her like it was a great joke. “Come on. Slip them off and give them to me. It will make the meeting much more interesting. Please. For me. I am the client. You’re supposed to make me happy.”

  He was joking, wasn’t he, when he said that? Looking back now she knew he wasn’t but then she’d just thought it was flirtatious banter rather than a completely serious reminder of her position.

  “Go on. Go into the powder room now, take them off and pass them to me. I’ll put them in my pocket. No one will ever know.”

  “All right.” She agreed reluctantly, wanting him to like her and suddenly afraid he wouldn’t if she said no. It took just seconds and she had her little silky red panties tightly folded in her hand.

  He was waiting in the corridor. He smiled at her and she nodded. He held out his hand and she checked there was no one else around before handing them over. Instead of putting them in his pocket straight away he unfolded them, shook them out and held them up in front of him, looking at them and then looking at her. “Very nice. Very, very sexy. How does it feel?”

  He looked toward her skirt, which was a lot shorter than she’d have chosen if she’d known she was going to go commando.

  “Cool,” she said laughing.

  “You are amazing.” He
pocketed her panties. “I’m going to be thinking about this all the way through this dull meeting. Aren’t you?”

  She nodded.

  They went into the meeting room and she took a seat at the table. The others arrived, chatting, sorting out their papers, checking their messages. Gradually the room filled. The first part was dull, just finances but Daniel kept looking at her, catching her eye and she knew what he was thinking. She saw his hand in his pocket a few times and knew he was touching her panties. Somehow, the thought made her feel good. She crossed her legs tightly, trying to subdue the little flicker of arousal she felt.

  Finally it was his turn to speak. He stood in front of the window and addressed the meeting. He mentioned her name three times in the first few minutes. This was going well. She knew that Ian and the other departmental heads would be impressed. Then he said, “In fact, Ruthanne, please join me here. I need you to clarify some of these issues and no one can do it like you.”

  She shook her head. She didn’t want everyone looking at her, not when she was going commando.

  “I insist. Come up here and join me.”

  She couldn’t think of way to refuse without it looking odd and ungracious. She stepped up next to him and he smiled at her. He directed a few questions to her and she addressed the group, thinking she was going to get away with this. No one was looking at her strangely but of course no one could tell her panties were in the pocket of the man standing next to her.

  Then Daniel spoke again. He picked up the clicker to start the slideshow on the projector and dropped it. “Ruthanne, could you grab that for me? Your knees are younger than mine.” A few of the older people laughed.

  Ruthanne stared up at him beseechingly. She couldn’t bend down, not in this micro skirt with no panties on.

  “Ruthanne, would you mind?” he said again.

  How could she say no? She sank down, bending her knees, trying desperately to stop her skirt riding up. Where was the damn thing? She scrabbled on the floor, reaching out for it, knowing with a sinking feeling that if anyone were looking, they would be getting an eyeful just about now.

  She glanced up and saw Daniel watching her, a spark of satisfaction in his eyes. She stood again and handed him the clicker. Most people were looking at Daniel or the screen or taking advantage of the brief pause to check their phones but she saw a couple of men gazing at her.

  One grinned widely and winked at her and the other man just looked startled, as if it still hadn’t sunk in what he’d actually seen. She got through the rest of the meeting in a haze.

  At the end, the man who had winked at her came right up to her and said, “Very nice presentation. I wouldn’t have minded seeing a bit more.” He handed her his card. “I always need some good PR. I have a very big contract but from what I’ve seen I think you could handle it.” He grinned again.

  Ruthanne slipped his card into her pocket, smiled blankly and turned away. How could Daniel do that to her?

  Afterward she wanted to give Daniel a piece of her mind but he started talking before she could. “Ruthanne, Ruthanne. I am so sorry. I forgot you were indisposed. I do hope no one saw anything untoward when you bent down. Imagine all those men seeing a flash of your naked—well…it doesn’t bear thinking about. What must they have thought of you? Let me make it up to you. Reynard’s? Could you put up with going on another date there with me? Tomorrow? I’ll pick you up.”

  And just like that she’d said yes, flattered and delighted, especially as he’d called it a date. She quite forgot how angry she was with him. Stupid, she thought later on, she should have stopped everything then, reported him to Ian and passed him on to someone else.

  If only she’d known that this was barely the start of what he’d convince her to do—the games he played, the devices he used, the way he pushed her to the limits of pleasure and pain and how he made her do things she never should have done. She would have finished it then, wouldn’t she? But she’d been so dazzled by the prospect of another dinner at Reynard’s, by him calling it a date and by wanting to keep her most important client happy. And maybe a little part of her had enjoyed it too and wanted to see what else would happen.

  Chapter Four

  She had left work early the next day to go shopping and then she spent two hours getting ready. Even if she said it herself, she looked great. She had new underwear, bought with him in mind—who knew when he’d ask to see her panties? A new dress, quite low-cut at the front and not the kind of thing she would usually wear at all. Killer heels, stockings of course—and she spent way too much on getting her hair done. But it was worth it. She had never looked better.

  * * * * *

  “Wow,” said Daniel when he saw her. “You look amazing.”

  He had picked her up in a different car, driving this one himself—a low-slung sporty model that made a satisfying throaty roar when he accelerated.

  This is my life now. Being driven in expensive cars to expensive restaurants by a handsome rich guy who thinks I look amazing. This is the life I always dreamed about.

  He kept staring at her all through dinner. A few other diners waved at him and the people at the next table kept trying to catch his eye but he didn’t seem to notice anyone else. He just kept his eyes on her all night. He flattered her, made her laugh, complimented her, teased her. He was so confident and self-assured.

  She knew she was drinking too much but he kept filling up her glass and not his own. But what the hell. It isn’t every day a man like Daniel takes you to a restaurant like this.

  He drove her home and parked outside her apartment block.

  She had expected him to ask to come in and she was drunk enough to want him to—even on this, their first proper official date—but he didn’t.

  He turned off the engine and looked at her. “I like you. I really like you. Me and you—we could make a great team.”

  Ruthanne believed him, wondering if that meant that he saw her as a potential life partner.

  “If you’re open-minded and enjoy a little bit of fun,” he’d added.

  Fun, she remembered thinking, a bit drunk and hazy but she was definitely fun.

  “You were great in that meeting.” He reached out and stroked the side of her neck. “It was the most enjoyable meeting I’ve had for a while.” He laughed.

  She had laughed too. It all seemed like a game now rather than something she’d been angry about—something that could have ruined her reputation at work and made her a laughingstock.

  “I like a girl who can take a few risks. A girl who isn’t dull and conventional.”

  She’d nodded, her head spinning a little now from the champagne. He was still stroking the side of her neck and she leaned into his hand wanting him to touch her more.

  “But what about at the end?” he said. “I think you had an admirer.”

  She laughed. “I think he saw a bit much.” It seemed funny now although she’d been so embarrassed at the time.

  “And what did he give you?” Daniel asked.


  “Don’t lie.” He was still smiling but his voice seemed harder.

  She remembered. “His card. He wanted me to call him.”

  “I bet he did,” said Daniel. “But you’re not going to, are you?”

  “Of course not.”

  “No. Because you work for me and only me.” He held her chin in his hand and stared into her eyes and she thought he was going to kiss her. But he gripped it tightly. “You’re mine. Remember that.”

  The he smiled again and stroked her neck. “You look beautiful. Really so lovely.”

  “Thanks.” She was a little stunned by his jealousy. Did that mean he thought they were dating properly like a couple? Should she feel pleased?

  “Take off your panties, Ruthanne.”

  She jerked her head up and stared at him. It was one thing in the office or in public where there were too many people around for anything to happen. But here it was just the two of them. And he hadn’t ev
en kissed her yet.

  She shook her head, smiling.

  “Come on. Don’t disappoint me. You’ve done it once already.” There was an edge of impatience in his voice. “I’m waiting.”

  She didn’t want him to get mad again. She felt she’d already let him down a bit by taking the man’s card. She wanted him to be happy, to feel like he could rely on her, to call her beautiful again.

  She reached down and wriggled her way out of her panties, trying to cover herself with her skirt and aware of him watching her closely. She kept her head down, not wanting to look him in the eye. She handed her panties over to him.

  He took them, looking at them then raising them to his face and breathing in deeply. “I can smell you. And now I want to touch you.”

  He raised his hand to her face and rubbed two fingers across her mouth then pushed them inside. She felt his fingers on her tongue, not knowing what he was doing. He pushed his fingers farther in and she widened her eyes. Then he pushed them in and out, in and out.

  “Suck,” he said and she tightened her mouth around his fingers, sucking as he pushed them in and out with her panties still in his hand, not taking his eyes of her face. Then he pulled his fingers out, hooking them over her lower teeth and pulling her mouth wide open. “Stay like that. With your mouth open.” He lowered his hand. “Legs open too. Pull up your skirt and open your legs.”

  She felt mesmerized not knowing what he was going to do but knowing she wanted him and more than anything she wanted him to want her. It felt like a test and she wanted to pass. She shifted in her seat, hitching up her dress, separating her thighs, aware of the cool air between her legs.

  His hand went between her thighs.

  She could see the desire and the concentration on his face. She knew he wanted her. She opened her legs a little bit wider. She felt a pulse of electricity as he touched her, his hand brushing against her most private parts.

  “My fingers are wet.” He stroked across her outer lips. She felt her clitoris stiffen and tingle, the blood rushing to it as he stroked across her. Then he pushed two fingers inside her, suddenly and hard, making her gasp and tense up.